On Wednesday, wheat prices were stable or declined. The March SRW wheat contract closed at $5.47/bush ($201/mt), up 0.1% from Tuesday. The March HRW wheat contract in Kansas City closed at $5.57/bush ($205/mt), down 0.6%. The March Euronext wheat contract closed at €228.25/mt ($235/mt), down 1.3%. The March U.S. corn contract closed at $4.79/bush ($188/mt), up 0.9%.
From January 1 to January 15, Ukraine exported 1.4 million metric tons (mmt) of grain, compared to 2.1 mmt a year ago, according to data from the country’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy.
Russia’s National Commodity Exchange (NCE) will resume grain sales from the intervention fund on January 27, the NTB press service announced.
SovEcon expects Russian wheat exports in January to amount to between 1.8 and 2.2 million metric tons (MMT), down from 3.6 MMT a year earlier. Ukrainian wheat exports for the same period are estimated at 0.8 MMT, down from 1.6 MMT last year. Wheat exports from the Black Sea region have slowed due to lower supply.