Black Sea wheat prices lower on improving weather
Weather improves in the Northern Hemisphere pushing Black Sea wheat prices lower
Russia: share of wheat in poor condition has fallen unprecedentedly
Share of Russia’s grain crops in poor condition has fallen to 7-9% since November when it was at 22%, a record high level for a decade.
Andrey Sizov speaks about Russian grain taxes and 2021 wheat crop
Q&A with Andrey about Russian grain taxes and 2021 wheat crop
Q&A: Russia’s Grain Export Taxes Could Mean the End of its Wheat Market Dominance – DJN
Q&A with Andrey Sizov, head of SovEcon /, and Will Horner, Dow Jones Newswires, about Russia’s grain export taxes and their implications for Russia and the global grain market.
Wheat bids in Russia’s ports fell more than 10%
Wheat bids in Russia’s ports fell more than 10% as farmers sell more aggressively
Russian domestic wheat market is weakening as farmers are starting to sell
Ruble wheat prices are down on bigger supply and low demand from exporters and processors.
Russian 20/21 wheat export forecast upped on fast pace of shipments and bigger supply
Russian wheat export forecast upped on record shipments and expected bigger supply
Ruble wheat prices up, government threatens to cap grain prices
Last week, wheat ruble prices were higher again in Russia’s market, supported by sluggish farmers’ sales. The government tries to encourage farmers to sell more aggressively.
Wheat prices sharply up as Russia introduced new restrictions
Wheat prices sharply higher after Russia’s tax news
Weather to improve in the Black Sea
Parts of the Black Sea are to get much-needed precipitation