

Russia’s wheat export estimate cut on weak pace, endings stocks are still the lowest since 2007/08

* Wheat exports forecast is down again
* Ending stocks are estimated at 6.6 MMT, the lowest since 2007/08

Russian wheat export forecast cut on weak pace and low crop

The export forecast has been lowered again. The reason is the current weak pace and low crop figures for 2019, released by Rosstat in December.

Slower Russian wheat exports to benefit the US

MOSCOW, Russia — In 2017/18, Russia exported a record-high 1.5 billion bushels (41 MMT) of wheat and became the largest …

Russian wheat FOB prices are down following global benchmarks

12.5% wheat prices continue to creep lower, last week they were down $1 again to $193 (FOB deep sea) on …

Russia’s wheat exports declined 14% in 18/19, further decrease is expected in 2019/20

In the 2018/19 (July-June) season Russia exported 35.3 MMT of wheat which is 14% lower than a year ago. In …

Russian wheat traders face a tough start to the season

Russia’s traders face a tough start of the new export season. Farmers remain slow sellers, the ruble is strong and new crop outlook is deteriorating. July wheat exports are projected at 3.1 MMT, -18% YoY.

Russian wheat crop slashed to 73.7 MMT

SovEcon cut Russian wheat crop estimate from 76.6 MMT to 73.7 MMT after assessing the situation in Center and Volga Valley. The dry weather which we observed in May-June had a significant negative effect on crops in almost all key winter wheat regions.

Russian wheat crop estimate is sharply down on abnormally dry weather in June

Since the second half of May we have been anxiously watching the worsening weather conditions for the formation of new …

Russian wheat prices remain flat despite volatile global benchmarks

In June, Russian export prices were mostly flat. 12.5% FOB remains slightly below $200/mt. On one hand, prices were supported …

Russian FOB wheat prices are on the rise

New crop Russian wheat prices are rising following global benchmarks. As of June 5, 12.5% wheat with July delivery is traded around $197/mt (FOB deep sea ports) which is around 9% higher than a month ago.