

Weekly round-up of Black Sea grain market – May 9

The weekly review of key Black Sea wheat and corn events

SovEcon ups Russian wheat crop forecast; Russia and Ukraine could export 60+ mmt of wheat in 2022/23

Russia could harvest 87 mmt of wheat in 2022; Russia + Ukraine 2022/23 wheat exports to reach 60+ mmt

Ukrainian 2022 grain crop to decline substantially

New Ukrainian wheat crop could decline by 19%, corn – by 34%, says SovEcon

Black Sea wheat market doesn’t seem to believe in export disruptions

What do weaker Black Sea wheat quotes could be telling Chicago and Matif?

SovEcon increased 21/22 Russian wheat export estimate

2021/22 Russian wheat exports estimate upped by 0.2 mmt to 34.3 mmt, risk of export disruptions remains low

Wheat higher on Russia-West tensions, is rally overdone?

Wheat is higher 3-5% WOW on Russia-West tensions, the end of the rally could be close

Wheat continues to move lower but Russia-West tensions could change that

Wheat lost 2-4% last week but Russia-West tensions keep rising…

Global wheat market down on good crop in Southern hemisphere

Global wheat market down on good crop in Southern hemisphere; bulls should watch weather and Russia-West talks started today

SovEcon ups 2022 Russian and Ukrainian wheat crop estimates

SovEcon has upped the 2022 Russian and Ukrainian wheat crop estimates on improved weather and a larger seeded area in Ukraine.