On Tuesday, grain markets showed mixed dynamics. The March SRW wheat contract closed at $5.46/bush ($201/mt), up 0.2% from Monday. The March HRW wheat contract in Kansas City closed at $5.61/bush ($206/mt), down 0.1%. The March U.S. corn contract closed at $4.74/bush ($187/mt), down 0.4%. The March Euronext wheat contract closed at €231.25/mt ($238/mt), down 1.2%.
Brazil’s Conab agency lowered its estimate for corn production to 119.55 million metric tons (mmt) from 119.63 mmt a month earlier.
The Brazilian association ANEC estimated Brazil’s corn exports in January at 2.98 mmt, 0.8 mmt higher than the previous forecast.
Jordan purchased approximately 60,000 mt of wheat in an international tender at $267/mt C&F, traders reported.