Weather models predict different precipitation for key Russian spring wheat regions
The weather has been unfriendly for Russian spring wheat so far but things could change this week.
3 reasons why Russian farmers still like wheat
As of May 13, Russian farmers have seeded 4.1 mln ha of spring wheat. The seeding is catching up with the average pace on warmer weather after late spring which delayed the planting campaign in many regions. Despite the export tax we expect the country to increase the spring wheat area. Here’s why.
Russia’s spring wheat area is to rise this year
Russia’s spring wheat area is expected to rise this year despite export taxes and sluggish campaign start
Russian wheat floating tax explained, GASC returns to the market
Egyptian GASC is holding a wheat tender on April 6 for August shipment. We believe that the Egyptian firm could return to the market to test how the new Russian floating tax will affect offers. Andre explains how it’s calculated.
Andrey Sizov speaks about Russian grain taxes and 2021 wheat crop
Q&A with Andrey about Russian grain taxes and 2021 wheat crop
Q&A: Russia’s Grain Export Taxes Could Mean the End of its Wheat Market Dominance – DJN
Q&A with Andrey Sizov, head of SovEcon /, and Will Horner, Dow Jones Newswires, about Russia’s grain export taxes and their implications for Russia and the global grain market.
Russian 20/21 wheat export forecast upped on fast pace of shipments and bigger supply
Russian wheat export forecast upped on record shipments and expected bigger supply
Wheat prices sharply up as Russia introduced new restrictions
Wheat prices sharply higher after Russia’s tax news
Weather to improve in the Black Sea
Parts of the Black Sea are to get much-needed precipitation
Russian wheat tax and quota – market implications
Russia is introducing a flat wheat export tax of 25 EUR/mt (EURUSD = 1.21). What does that mean for global wheat market?