

Russian wheat higher again, how far are we from the season’s peak?

Russian wheat prices hit a new high but we think that season’s peak could be close

Russian wheat ruble prices lower, harvest pressure at last?

Last week, domestic wheat prices dropped in Russia by 1.5%, which was the fist decline after several weeks of rapid growth.

Russian wheat prices higher but buyers started to lower ruble bids

Last week, 12.5% wheat prices in Russian deep-sea ports rallied further, by $13 to $299/mt supported by firmer ruble prices. Earlier rally in the global benchmarks also helped. Closer to the end of the week many buyers started to lower bids hoping that the ruble market could reverse soon.

Black Sea wheat price rallied after WASDE

Russia’s domestic wheat market is rising fast, supported by demand from exporters and domestic buyers as well as worsening crop outlook. This could negatively affect wheat exports pace during the next few months from the top world wheat exporter.

Ruble wheat prices rise rapidly threatening exports

Russia’s domestic wheat market is rising fast, supported by demand from exporters and domestic buyers as well as worsening crop outlook. This could negatively affect wheat exports pace during the next few months from the top world wheat exporter.

Russian wheat prices up substantially

Prices for Russian wheat rose steadily last week. Export quotes for wheat with protein 12.5% ​​strengthened by 2.5% to $245/t FOB

Black Sea wheat sharply lower on new crop prospects, Russian farmers hope that the tax will be lifted in 2021

Last week, 12.5% wheat prices in deep-sea ports dropped $21 to $253/mt. Traders continued to report extremely low demand, global benchmarks moved lower.

Black Sea wheat prices lower on weak demand and good weather

Russian wheat prices in deep-sea ports dropped $9 to $274/mt (12.5%, FOB) on lack of demand and weaker global benchmarks

Black Sea wheat prices lower on improving weather

Weather improves in the Northern Hemisphere pushing Black Sea wheat prices lower

Wheat bids in Russia’s ports fell more than 10%

Wheat bids in Russia’s ports fell more than 10% as farmers sell more aggressively